What to Do When Your Pet Goes Missing
Get them homeward bound, faster.

Get them homeward bound, faster.
Every year, 10 million pets go missing in the U.S. A propped open gate, a crack in the window, a moment with your back turned at the park—pets can slip away in a flash, leaving you panicked and scared while you desperately search and call for your best friend.
If you’re going through this right now, take a breath. You’re not alone.
We asked Danni Meyerson, founder of The Tiny Pet Rescue, to reveal her tips for keeping your pets safe and secure, and for finding your pet if they are lost.
The best offense is defense. When you welcome a new pet into your fur fam, diligently inspect your home for any vulnerabilities. Make sure, Meyerson notes, that family members (including kids) know to close doors behind them, and not leave windows open without screens.
“A cat can slip out of any tiny opening, as can a scared dog,” Meyerson warns, so you’ll want to identify all openings in your home and patch and screen where you can.
Outdoor areas also need to be considered. A backyard can be a great place for your pet to exercise, explore, and do their business, but unsupervised trips should wait until your new addition feels confident and at home.
“Dogs and cats can’t be left in the garden until well after they’ve adapted to the new home and understand that they live there,” unless you have a fully enclosed area, like a catio, Meyerson says. “No wall or fence is a match for a cat with the willingness to escape.”
“No wall or fence is a match for a cat with the willingness to escape.”
In general, Meyerson recommends you get your new pet spayed or neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, and set up with easy-to-read tags ASAP.
Once the initial shock has worn off, there’s plenty you can do to mount a successful search for your missing pet. That includes both in-person and online outreach.
Sometimes, when you least expect it, a lost pet might find their way into your care. You check to see if there’s a license tag with a phone number, and take a lap around the block to see if you can spot a worried pet parent, combing the area.
Nada. You’ve got nothing but two watery eyes looking up at you, wondering if you happen to have a can of something scrumptious and meat-based.
Here’s what you can do next.
“If you’ve found a cat or dog, the first step is to get them to a confined, safe place. That might be a closed bedroom, garage, or garden ( for dogs only!). Close and lock doors, windows, drain holes, everything,” encourages Meyerson. Once they’re secured, you can offer the ravenous critter a bit of food and water.
“The next step is to take the pet to the vet ASAP to have them checked for a microchip. This is the fastest and surest way to locate an owner.”
If there’s no microchip, it’s time to get organized. “Post ‘found pet’ flyers and ads,” she says—but crucially, make sure to “leave out a few key pieces of information like gender, their collar’s color, or identifying marks.” That will prevent any opportunistic people from claiming a pet that isn’t actually theirs (sad, but true).
If your efforts to reunite the cat or dog with their owners don’t pan out, and you’re unable to keep them yourself, Meyerson asks that you find an alternative, safe, and kind solution.
Leaving the found animal with a shelter? Make sure that it’s a no-kill shelter. Leave your contact info, ask to be updated, and call them regularly to check up.
If you want to keep your new friend out of an animal shelter, and have time to help them find their new permanent home, follow Meyerson’s handy guide on how to interview a potential adopter.
The notion of losing a pet is enough to make any pet parent get choked up with fear. No matter what, don’t give up, and don’t despair. Meyerson has witnessed many happy endings to lost pet sagas.
Take the story of Barbra Jellybean, the wandering cat.
“When he (yes, Barbra is a boy) disappeared, we spent weeks canvassing and searching,” Meyerson recalls. “We did absolutely everything we could to find him. Ultimately, some kids found him at a tennis court about 40 miles away, and called the number on his tag. It was miraculous. All thanks to his collar and tag!”
Besides gifting your pet with an easy-to-read collar with tags, getting your pet microchipped is a great way to help lost pets find their way back home, faster. In fact, a University of Ohio study found that microchipped dogs were 2.5 times more likely to be returned to their owners, and microchipped cats were 20 times more likely to be returned than their non-chipped counterparts.
We’d be remiss if we didn’t mention that Lemonade’s Puppy & Kitten Preventative package covers microchipping, as well as spaying and neutering, and a whole lot more. Apply for Lemonade Pet today, to get your free pet insurance quote.
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