Lemonade's Favorite Puppy Training Videos
Because "sit" and "stay" just isn't going to cut it.

Because "sit" and "stay" just isn't going to cut it.
Is your dog regularly eating your shoes (or your homework)? Is she barking at babies or pooping on the living room carpet?
If so, it’s probably a good idea to put some time into pup training. Hiring a dog trainer or attending group training classes are smart ways to teach your new four-legged friend the basics, or to help your misbehaving older dog learn how to listen.
But not every dog owner can fit formal dog training into their schedule, or budget. In a pinch, we turn to that trusty resource for DIY education: YouTube.
We’ve gathered Lemonade’s favorite dog training videos below. They’ll give you a good excuse to spend fun, quality time with your furry friend—while improving their behavior and ensuring their safety.
Dog training is a great way to keep your puppy safe, but it’s not the only thing to consider. Pet health insurance can help cover your new puppy’s vet visits, vaccines, and more! Click the button below and we’ll get you a quote in minutes. Your dog will thank you, and it’ll help take the bite out of future vet bills.
McCann Dog Training’s channel is a one-stop-shop for the best pet parenthood tips, from leadership training techniques and dog tricks to bringing a new puppy home. Their program might be the key to giving you peace of mind… and an extra hour of sleep.
Often it’s the first few days after adopting a pup that are the hardest. Dog trainer and behaviorist Zak George gives a rundown on how to tackle the basic training skills like sitting, coming when called, and leash-walking. Check out this video the video above – you might be surprised at how important play time is for your new pooch. Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution also features a puppy survival guide to help beginners through the first 24 hours and beyond.
To prevent your pup from hurting themselves, destroying your fav pair of slippers, or having an accident at night, check out the video above. Zak is a dog trainer with special expertise when it comes to puppy biting and crate training. Getting your pup used to sleeping in a crate can be awkward and counterintuitive, but your furry friend will thank you later.
The best tips for house training might not be the most obvious. Rachel Fusaro explains how to quickly get your puppy to learn where to go when they have to go. Patience and consistency are key to having a happy, well-trained fur fam (and avoiding unfortunate messes).
If only puppies listened to whatever you said, took notes, and acted accordingly. Alas, life is not so easy. Luckily, you have control over the small steps needed to lessen behavioral problems and get your dog to pay attention. Truth is, puppies learn best with positive reinforcement and consistent training methods.
No new pet parent wants a tick to feed off of their new puppy. If you’ve been in the woods or tall grass, comb through your dog’s hair to feel for any bumps—you should get a good idea of whether they have a tick. Operation Tick Removal involves a tick removal tool, rubber gloves, rubbing alcohol, and a resealable plastic bag. The video above will walk you through all the steps to keep those bloodsuckers away from your fur fam.
Finding a way to calm down your puppy can be hard and exhausting. Upstate Canine Academy specializes in getting aggressive dogs to stop leash pulling, barking, and biting. If your furry friend goes wild when you walk past the neighborhood cat (or kid), this channel should have some helpful tips.
Tom Davis takes you through different aggression problems in various breeds, so there’s a video for everyone. This YouTube channel can give you great tips, but make sure you see a professional when your pup shows signs of aggressive dog behaviors.
It’s easy to let your puppy make plenty of mistakes. Truth is, they can be as wild, destructive, and ill-behaved as they want… and still make your heart melt. But a proper dog training program will keep them safe, and let you keep your sanity.
BTW, the best way to teach your furry friend is by reaffirming their good behavior. Punishments can be scary and confusing for puppies. They don’t know any better! It’s up to you to be patient, consistent, and understanding.
Speaking of relaxation and peace of mind… one last reminder that pet health insurance is there to help if there’s an accident or illness in your four-legged friend’s future. Get started below—the process is so simple, your pup could probably do it.
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